
This week we have been looking at the mummification process and why the Egyptians did this.

We are conducting two different experiments to help us understand the process.

Mouldy bread

We have placed a slice of bread in a bag with sand. One bag has dry sand and the other has damp said. We have predicted as a class that the bread with the damp sand will become mouldier because of the moisture in the bag.

Don’t forget to ask the children how the experiment is going and which piece of bread is mouldier!


Mummifying a tomato!

The Egyptians removed internal organs and then using ‘natron’ to dry the body out before wrapping it in linen. We haven’t got a body so instead we are mummifying a tomato. We took the inside of the tomato out and have then made our own ‘natron’ by using salt and bicarbonate of soda to dry the tomato out.

The tomato has been left in the natron and we will check on it every other day to see the changes. We have also kept a tomato whole so that we can compare the two.

Ask the children what is happening to the tomato and how it has changed.


Keep looking for further updates!

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