Intrepid Explorers

This half term our topic is intrepid explorers. We have been finding out about the life and expeditions of Christopher Columbus. This week we built our own ‘Santa Maria’ and have been trying to imagine what life must have been like for the sailors when they set off on their voyage into the unknown. Ask your children to tell you what they have discovered about the conditions on board and the jobs the sailors had to do.

In the second half of this term we will then be finding out about the achievements of Neil Armstrong and the First Moon Landing. Children may have questions for family members who have first-hand memories of this historic event. We will be comparing the achievements of both these famous men and trying to decide who we think was the greatest explorer.


This half term we will have gym on Thursdays led by a coach from Andover Lions.

On Fridays we have tag rugby led by a specialist coach from Planet Education. This will take place outside unless the weather is very extreme so the children will need warm sports kit (sweatshirts and joggers) and trainers not plimsolls.

Please ensure girls bring socks if they are wearing tights and long hair is tied back.

Thank you for your support.


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