Our Learning Spring 2019


Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale

This half term we are finding out about two famous women from the past, Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale. We will be trying to decide whose achievements are the most significant.

The children are really engaged with the topic and have  been exploring artefacts from the history centre, role playing and carrying out research to find out what they both did during the Crimean War.


We will have games on a Tuesday (year 3 swimming) and gym on a Thursday so please insure children have appropriate PE kit in school.


We will continue with our long term study, observing different materials we have left outside. We will update you of our findings so far very shortly.



Listening to your child read  is invaluable, please sign their reading record books when you have read with your child.


Each week they should aim to earn 1000 points on mathlectics for which they will earn a sticker.


We do our speedy challenge on Fridays. Children need to learn the multiplication and division facts for each table and recall as many as they can in 5 minutes. Each week they aim to beat their previous score.  Children will know which speedy challenge they are on and you can help them by regular practise.


Children have individual spelling s to practise each week. These are either the exception words or follow spelling rules we have practised in class. We test these words half termly to check progress.

We have had a great start to the term and look forward to more exciting learning ahead.

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