Our learning – Spring 2019

The first half term we are focusing our learning around the story of James and the Giant Peach. We have written a newspaper report and will write a diary entry as a character as well as write our own version of a part of the story. Through this the children will develop their reading and writing skills.

In Maths we have finished the topic Multiplication and Division and are currently learning about lengths including perimeter and area. After half term we will be moving on to exciting fractions! The children are still expected to be learning their times tables and to recall these quickly  as this helps them with many other aspects in Maths.

Every Monday the children work with Mrs Lloyd and Mrs Tomlinson to learn new and interesting things in French and Science. In Science the children are learning all about States of Matter and have been completing some fabulous experiments with gases, liquids and solids.

Each Tuesday Year 3 and 4 have been working hard in their swimming lessons and making great progress each week! Well done.

After half term we will start learning about three different countries and comparing them (Rio, Brittany and Cornwall). If your child has anything they would like to bring in and share with the class that would be great!

Homework is still expected to be completed weekly. This consists of gaining 1000 points on Mathletics, reading daily, practising their spellings and times tables.

Miss Yelland

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