The chicks have left but I Remember what they did funny we had great time and I’m so tearful and sad bye bye chicks have a nice  time please be OK for me.  Thank you from Toby C

Today the chicks  left and we are sad. Also they were to big and tomorrow they will  be in a barn.  Henry

Today  was our  last day with  the chicks I was   very upset to see the  chicks leave. Me, Alana and Bella each had a bit of crust  and fluffy balanced on the crust.  I miss the chicks.   Poppy

I’m very disappointed that the chicks had to go  I DON’T WANT THE CHICKS TO GO! The chicks have to go because there isn’t enough room and you can’t make the brooder box bigger! I will miss them but if I’m in Beech class next year and I’m a year three I’ll be happy to see the chicks again! Alana

Today  the chicks  left it was  sad watching them . But they  need more room. Amelia

Today  Friday the 22 of mach 22.3.19 this was the day the chicks have gone. The girls Daisy Anna and Rose have gone with Miss Yelland . What do you think the girl chicks are doing right now?  Pops

Today the chicks had to go because they had to go to a bigger area so they went to a farm. Tomorrow morning they will be at the farm I hope they will have a amazing time there at the farm.  Gabriel 

When  I got back from planting I saw the  chicks gone!!!!  I was really sad!!!!!!   I did not see them go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Because I really loved Rose  but rose all ready left!!!!   Kandice

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